Finally - some pictures!

I made these tartlets for poetry group the day we met on Christine's birthday. What is exciting to me is that a) it's the first time I've used the little tartlet pans I bought a couple years ago, and b) it isn't a recipe, just an idea I had and then made. Oh, and, local little sweet strawberries I bought at the farmer's market.

I made this top for Cora from a pattern I found on
a really cool blog that a friend told me about. I am not really a garment sewer - I mainly do quilts and things like that - but for Cora I don't mind sewing clothes. First of all, she loves it when I make her things (see below), and secondly, it doesn't have to be perfect. Her peer group is not going to judge her harshly if her clothes are obviously homemade. They might even be a little envious. (Well, especially with the Peter Rabbit fabric!)
And the hair? She wants it up like that ALL THE TIME. She brings me her barette and says, "Mama, do my haircut!"
So, this is not a very realistic picture of the Scary Garden - you have to imagine the waist high weeds and volunteer trees that were there before Chris cleaned it up. This space used to have a carport, so there's also lots of gravel mixed in with the weeds. Still, this is what the patio guys had to work with when they showed up Tuesday morning.
Here, they're almost done. It's about 3pm on Tuesday at this point.
Here it is! We have to let the sand settle and then decide what to do with the edges - sod? grass seed? marigolds? Suggestions?

There was a lot of sand leftover - right now just a big pile on the driveway. We're trying to find a sandbox. Apparently if you want a sandbox, you have to buy one in May, because the stores send them all back in June. Grr.

And, finally, a gratuitous Cora picture. I thought the zebra towel would be a good thing to have in her lap during a messy pasta dinner. She wanted to look like Mommy after a shower. And then the green glasses came out. In all the other pictures she is also sticking her tongue out like some bizarre heavy metal babushka granny.
Oh, it's so cute! I love it when kids have on handmade clothes. I bet since you are a quilter, you cut it with a rotary cutter and straight edge (like me!). That's how the pattern was designed - all straight lines...easy & quick to cut! :)
Love the towel headed sweetie! We should have taken pics of the blueberry pancakes this morning - they were amazing! Thanks!
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