Friday, July 25, 2008

Bread: the new soft porn

Have I raved enough about the bread book? Have you bought your own yet? Here are a few more photos to push you over the edge. (Plus, a totally gratuitous cheese shot.)

This is just the basic recipe! It's so good we've barely tried anything else!


Put it all together with a nice wine and a nice patio and a nice evening and you've got a hell of a lot of nice going on.

Finally, we tried a new recipe - the challah dough. I made this loaf Wednesday. I think we have an inch and a half left. Next time, this dough is going to get filled with raisins and cinnamon and sugar, rolled up, and cut into little delicious snails.

1 comment:

Cara said...

My god, Merie! It has been too long since I have read your blog!!! Shame on me, too. But you KNOW I will be coming beck if there's bread porn!!! Holy yummy looking bread, wine and cheese, batman! Can I come visit later this month?!? :-) And what is this bread book? I guess I need to keep reading. (Okay, funny typo aside: each time I tried to type "bread" above, I typed "breas..." and had to go back and correct myself. :-))