Recipe: Fresh Corn Fritters
Source: A Real American Breakfast
Circumstances: Monday night we'd planned to have enchiladas, homemade refried beans, and corn cake...but the corn cake mix never made it into the basket. So instead, we picked up a couple ears of corn later in the week and decided to begin PROJECT PANCAKE with a savory pancake. I'd spotted this recipe for fresh corn fritters in All-American Breakfast when we were hatching The Project and it seemed like something that would go well with the chicken-poblano enchiladas. I especially appreciated how quickly the recipe goes together and cooks, since I had about an hour between when Chris got home with the jack cheese and then had to leave for a meeting and in this hour I had to finish the enchiladas, bake them, make the beans, make the pancakes, and have time for Chris to eat his dinner. It all worked out.
Ratings (* to ***** stars)
Ease of Preparation: ***** (Very easy – most time-consuming part is cutting the corn off the cobs and scraping the cobs, which really only took a few minutes)
Taste: ***1/2 (Way too much salt called for in recipe – will taste much better next time!You could tell they would be really, really yummy with less salt. And the variation with cheddar and bacon crumbles? I think that will be featured next to some scrambled eggs very soon!)
Texture: ***** (Really nice – good amount of corn kernels, the batter puffs up just enough)
Cora's Verdict: ***** (Apparently, nothing is too salty for Cora. She loved them the next day, too.)
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