After her nap today we spent some time in her room. She played with the toys I had moved upstairs (and so she sees them less often) while I changed the crib sheet and went through some of her clothes. I found a bunch of hats in various sizes, mostly from her summer outfits, and tried them all on her. Each time I took a hat off her she cried, and each time I put a new hat on her she smiled. So, she wore a hat throughout her lunch, and as you can see, that made her pretty happy.
Here in Minneapolis it is (probably literally by this time of night) freezing. When I went to book group this morning it was -13...if you add in wind chill, closer to -25. So, we are keeping Cora indoors this weekend. She doesn't seem to mind.
In honor of Cora's birthday I made a lemon meringue pie (my first!), which is made up almost entirely of things she can't have: citrus, egg whites, large amounts of sugar. Oops! I guess Chris and I will have to eat the whole darn pie.

Cora's special treats tonight were some multigrain penne and some Jasmine Chicken Luau from Healthy Times, a company whose ceareal she's been eating. When we ran out of multigrain cereal and no one had it in stock (from either Healty Times or from Earth's Best, our other favorite organic company), I decided to order it online. And found all this great jar food. Now I am hoping to find somewhere in the Twin Cities that carries Healthy Times jar food, because she really likes all the varieties we've tried, but shipping baby food isn't cheap!
1 comment:
Cora eat's organic food. Does she also wear organic clothes? A great source for organic baby/toddler clothes is www.susiejane.com. In addition, we offer organic alpaca knits, organic body products, educational toys, games and music and coming soon... organic baby bedding.
Hope you stay warm, it's freezing here in Chicago as well!
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