Friday, January 7, 2011

Fav Foto Friday: New...CrazySock!

My fabulous friend Nora is hosting Fav Foto Fridays - each Friday she posts a theme, and any blogger who wants to play along picks up the theme, posts a picture, and links back to her.

I am so tardy with photos all the time, and I hope that participation will both inspire me to post more often and also to take more photos.

Her theme for today is "New" and this is as good a time as any to introduce...CrazySock!

CrazySock was knitted, felted, stuffed, and decorated for Cora this Christmas. I had to work on it when she was around because it took FOREVER and I got a late start. Because the initial knitting is indeed a sock, albeit a gigantic one, I told her that it was a sock for Grandpa Dave. Amazingly, she had no trouble believing this. When I knit the ears, I told her they were decorations for the sock. When Grandpa Dave arrived for Christmas, I overheard her telling him that he was getting a crazy sock for Christmas.

The horse was finished in time, thanks to help from my mom, who knit the i-cord for the reins while I sewed on the eyes and mane and D-rings for the reins, and I carefully placed it in the very front of all the presents so it would be seen first - otherwise I knew it would be lost in the wash of other gifts. And CrazySock and the sled from Chris were indeed the first things she saw, played with, and fell in love with - pwhew!

(As usual, I wish I had thought to take more photos of the process. Something to remember in the future.)


nora said...

Really? I get to have a post from Merie in my FFF???!!!! Oh yea! And I love Crazy Sock. In Spanish his name would be Loco Calcetine - which I think sounds kind of crazy in itself.

Miss you!

Hannah said...

Crazy Sock is so cool! What a great present. Love it :)

Aileen said...

That is an adorable gift! And I love that you fooled her into thinking it was a sock for Grandpa!

Melinda said...

Crazy Sock is incredible!! So impressed that it was handmade!

Kim & Dave said...

That is one cute horse!! How creative!

Stephanie in NC said...

Oh I love these!Let me know if you decide to start selling them!
Stephanie in NC
Mother to 2 Guatemalan Princes