As you may know. Cora is rapidly approaching her first birthday. This past weekend we had a party for her at a nearby park, and everyone seemed to have fun, from the babies to the big kids to the adults. Of course, with cake around, who isn't going to be having fun? Cora clearly was a little startled to discover that we had withheld such a basic food group from her for so long.

We've been spending a lot of time outside, as we are having a really lovely spring here in Minnesota. Cora loves to crawl to the edge of the blanket, or just off the blanket, and startpulling up great handfuls of grass, then slowly let the grass trickle out through her fingers. Maybe we won't need to mow the lawn after all this year!
She's pulling herself up every chance she gets and cruising around as much as she can. Mostly around the perimeter of her corral, as we don't have the best furniture or floorplan for really extended cruising. She has also started letting go and standing for the briefest amount of time before grasping something again or plopping down on her butt. Yikes!
Cora also enjoys doublechecking the address on packages to make sure they are for her.

Stay tuned for photos of her actual year-old face!
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