WEATHER REPORT: Spring finally makes a special appearance in Minneapolis! Yesterday it was 65 degrees and sunny and lovely! Over the last few days we have taken walks (Cora now rides in her stroller like a big kid - facing forward!), played outside, touched the disappearing snow, and heard newly returned birds boasting about their tans.
BOOK REPORT: On the floor beside the dining room table I have a pile of library books (well where do you keep yours?). Poetry books, baby development books, mystery books, Chris's music history books, books on other subjects I'm interested in. Cora loves to crawl over there and topple the stack of books and then rummage through them. Every time she pulls out the same book. She finds it, pulls it out in front of her, stares at it, picks it up (right sid
e up!), and touches her forehead to the top of the cover, then smiles. Is it the baby development book? No. It is the memoir by Bill Bass, founder of The Body Farm. Is it because she likes skulls? Is it because the skull bears a resemblance to Mr Froggy? Is it because I read Beowulf to her in the womb?

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