Friday, August 26, 2011

Something completely different, indeed

It has been a month since I last posted. A strange month. Cora's time in daycare ended and she had a month of real summer break before starting kindergarten this week. I decided to go back to school to earn another degree in what I am thinking of as my personal Start a New Career Initiative (since I've been unable to find a position in my former career, which breaks my heart), and in the last month I applied, was accepted, registered for classes, bought textbooks (yep, they are still expensive), and started classes.

And I'm still looking for a job to bring in some sort of income, too (believe me, I see the irony of going back to school and thus spending more money at the same time). But, finally there has been some promising development on that front.

Of course, the real story is that we have a school-ager in the house now! Chances are that very soon a typical weekday night will find Chris doing his prep and grading while Cora and I do homework.



TeTop said...

Good for you, Merie! It's definitely not easy going back to school (especially when one is used to being the instructor, not the student). I did and am glad for it. And as you know Dave went back for his teaching license, so if you're ever looking for advice or just need to vent I know he'd love to be there for you. I'll send you our home email.

Paula said...

Good luck on your new adventure!!! Sorry you haven't been able to find a teaching job, but I am sure your new degree will help you find something absolutely fantastic!!!!