Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Oh, 2009, you funny funny year

Our first measurable snowfall came this year on October 12th - the earliest in my (gulp) 17 years in MN. Luckily, the snow had one fan. Cora was very anxious to get outside and play in it before it melted (a light dusting the previous Saturday had vanished by the time she got dressed). She dug out the snowball maker she found on the porch about three months ago and we headed out onto the deck. I think it was only about 45 seconds until she began throwing the snowballs at my legs.

An obscenely early snowfall is easier to take when you have a delighted and enthusiastic girl by your side.


triciadm said...

Hooray for snow making Ms. Cora squealy and happy!

(PS - I have never seen a snowball-maker before...hmmm...we may have to procure such a thing!)

TeTop said...

I'll have to think of Cora next time I get grumbly about snow. What a cute video!