Saturday, March 7, 2009

If I could go back in time...

I would make sure that 2009 came with a subscription to the Bourbon of the Week club.

Who's with me?


triciadm said...

Oh, I am WITH you! Actually, I think it might have at our house. ;>

nora said...

I would like to propose something stronger than bourbon, because at this point I would have drank way too much and would now be vomitting in the bathroom.

How about a subscrition to vacation tickets to adults only resorts in sunny locales, or regular massages, or at least ecstacy...

Anonymous said...

How 'bout a toddler personality of the week? Oh wait...we already have, like, 7 subscriptions to that one...

Anonymous said...

Bailey's? I'd go for Bailey's!! I love the vacation idea, too. *sigh*