Monday, May 14, 2007

Cora's Mom

When I chose "corasmom" as the address for this blog, it was kind of an in-joke, as I'm sure most of the people who really know me would find it at least odd, if not totally bizarre, that I would choose that. But, indeed, I have already had a little girl at church call me "Corasmom". As in, "Corasmom, look at this!"

Having just passed my second Mother's Day, it doesn't feel quite as strange. Isn't it always a little weird, adjusting to those new titles? Ones like sister, wife, professor, mom...those are the ones I have experience with anyway. It was a good Mother's Day. Breakfast at a great coffeeshop, where we all had quiche and pastries - Cora put away at least three-quarters of her very own blueberry muffin, and really good coffee for Chris and I. In church the kids did a musical about Daniel in the lion's den. Cora was not as captivated as I thought she would be, but she was interested periodically. We had dinner with wonderful friends (some wonderful enchiladas!). Really, most of my favorite things wrapped up in one day (and I also finished the latest mystery novel from the library...and started another one! Can you tell classes are pretty much over?).

What we didn't do is take pictures. Alas. But, we did on Saturday, which was also a wonderful day - better weather than Sunday, in fact. We had a late breakfast, since we all slept in. Here's a great picture from breakfast. Chris and Cora have this new game they play - when he's feeding her, and she sticks her foot up on the table, he pretends to feed the foot. To me, the look on her face says, "You gotta see this, Mom. He thinks he's feeding my foot! Dad is so gullible!"

Then we spent some time out front, trying to make some gardening progress. Really, the walkway up to the house looks a lot better. The perennials that are there can be seen more clearly without the tufts of weeds all around them, and eventually the new flowers will come up from the seeds I planted: cosmos, nasturtiums, zinnias. We brought Cora outside and set up her corral. She had a lot of fun. Two little neighbor girls came over to play with her for a while, too. She's very popular in the neighborhood. Surprise.

Also - Cora had her 12-month doctor visit last week. Her stats: 19.2 lbs (17th percentile), 30" (77th percentile).

And finally, by her own special request, I give you this photo of THE WORLD'S MOST NEGLECTED CAT (a designation she says has been scientifically proven): Emily. (Though, really, if sheer glee and volume are any indication, she may be Cora's favorite family member.)

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Special for Holly! :)

A little Janny-bird told me that Someone is impatient for new photos! And so, here is a short photo essay from our post-lunch funtime yesterday afternoon. Note the photo where she is asking for more with her signs! (She just recently started signing "milk" too and she's been doing "hat" for about a week. We're working on "change" now - in relation to diapers, not rules.)

Also - we don't have a photo of this yet, but she accomplished her first complete ascension of the stairs this morning, with Daddy close behind her!

Mystery present!

Did you send these to the sweet baby girl? doesn't tell you who sent you a package.
If you did, she loves them!
Fess up!
Edited to add: Thank you, Auntie Cara! We tried the shoes on; still a wee bit too big, but they will be perfect come August and sunflower season!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Happy Birthday!!

Here is the birthday girl herself after her nap. This morning all three of us went out to breakfast (I canceled classes...none of the students cried). Cora had a Belgian waffle. Cora approves of Belgian waffles. She wore her very pretty birthday dress. I think we got better pictures with the other camera, but we won't know until the film gets developed (so old-fashioned!).

Cora and her Momma - June 2006 to May 2007.

Cora in her car seat - week 1 to first birthday (and her last ride in this car seat - new seats being installed tonight!)

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Almost there!

If it's Tuesday naptime, it must be time to blog!

As you may know. Cora is rapidly approaching her first birthday. This past weekend we had a party for her at a nearby park, and everyone seemed to have fun, from the babies to the big kids to the adults. Of course, with cake around, who isn't going to be having fun? Cora clearly was a little startled to discover that we had withheld such a basic food group from her for so long.

We've been spending a lot of time outside, as we are having a really lovely spring here in Minnesota. Cora loves to crawl to the edge of the blanket, or just off the blanket, and startpulling up great handfuls of grass, then slowly let the grass trickle out through her fingers. Maybe we won't need to mow the lawn after all this year!

She's pulling herself up every chance she gets and cruising around as much as she can. Mostly around the perimeter of her corral, as we don't have the best furniture or floorplan for really extended cruising. She has also started letting go and standing for the briefest amount of time before grasping something again or plopping down on her butt. Yikes!

Cora also enjoys doublechecking the address on packages to make sure they are for her.
Stay tuned for photos of her actual year-old face!