Monday, March 7, 2011

Still winter.

This photo, though taken in January, accurately represents our feelings about dipping back below zero here at the beginning of March. I had the unenviable task of explaining to Cora that here in the upper-upper Midwest, it will probably take us a month longer to get to spring than it took when we lived in Minneapolis. The news was not received well.It is still winter, but all we can think about is spring!

I am keeping my fingers crossed that we will get a community garden plot (currently #5 on the waiting list), and that Chris and I can get our act together enough to find or build a high, narrow table for a windowsill herb garden. I have been having pangs for our old backyard, which was not a perfect backyard and needed so much work every year, but still was our own backyard - the garden, the deck, the patio (o! the patio!), the pots where Cora's beloved chives and parsley grew, my beloved bleeding heart plant and the peonies. The lilac tree and the Baffin roses.

Oh, Spring. You are so far away and have so many ways to break my heart.

1 comment:

Eleanor said...

I'm with Cora. ADORE the face.