Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Family, friends, the emails and notes and phone calls
that come from the friends so recently moved away from.
I am unceasingly grateful for my parents, my sweet grandma,
my brothers and the lovely families they have founded.

I feel absurdly grateful for Facebook.

I am grateful that our new home is as nice as it is,
that we are steadily getting to feel more and more
at home, that my husband spent the time
to find a place I would feel comfortable in.
I'm grateful that my daughter's spirit
is so buoyant and accepting.

My gratitude to the writers and artists
of the world is unending and vast.
I am grateful for winter sunshine this morning.
For leftover lasagna,
and all that the having of those leftovers implies.

I am, simply, grateful.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Doc G said...

I love you! :)

Anne Zimmerman said...

Everyone rips on facebook, but the fact is, it is a great connector!

I am glad to know people still bring lasagnas. I am worried it is a dying art.