I would rather think about last weekend right now. It was warm! It was payday! We grilled steaks OUTSIDE!!

It is true that we escaped the worst of Spring BlizzardFest '08, but we did have "Thundersleet" last night (our weather people are trying to pass that off as a real thing) and today was icky and gray and cold and we didn't go do any of the fun things I'd wanted to, and Chris went to a concert, and Cora and I went off to start the bedtime stories and songs at 6:30, and here we are at ten to nine and she has JUST NOW gone to sleep.
So, really, I would rather think about last Friday and this:

Oh, but she can also be really cute when she is tired but refusing to go to sleep...once I go upstairs and pick her up and wipe her nose and dry her eyes and bring her back downstairs and wrap her up in a blanket and sit on the couch with her. She pretends to sleep for a while, then starts gently patting my face and saying "cheek" "nose" "eyebrow" and then lays her head on my chest, snuggles in a little and says with great contentment "Mama" before sticking her thumb in her mouth and slowly getting heavier and heavier. So, yeah, last Friday night was easier...but tonight wasn't a complete wash.
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